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How to revise and prepare for exams Online

This practical online workshop from Student Success will help you to organise and revise your exam preparation material (summaries, notes, highlighted texts etc.) in an efficient way that will enable you to prioritise your revision focus appropriately. It will also break down and analyse the types of questions you will face in your examinations and provide useful isights into marker expectations.   

The workshop takes place at 12 pm (WA) and 3 pm (NSW). It is part of a series of workshops called Success Now, which are highlighted in green on the Workshops and Events Calendar. These sessions are NOT recorded, but there is a set of pre-recorded Success Now! videos on the university website (under the 'learning' tab in the library section of the site).

Just a reminder that the events calendar starts up in WA time, so if you are in another time zone, remember to click on (change) next to "Select your local Time Zone" under the "Workshops and Events Calendar" title at the top of the page.

Tuesday, April 29, 2025
10:00am - 10:45am
Time Zone:
Perth (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Registration is required. There are 96 seats available.

Event Organizer

Stephen Rankin

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