Use the location dropdown to specify where the appointment will take place. Selecting a different location will reload the appointment dates and times that are available to be booked.
Make an appointment in 3 steps. Step 1: Select a staff member. Step 2: Select an available date. Step 3: Select an available timeslot.
In order for a Zoom appointment to run smoothly, please review the following checklist before proceeding:
Do you have the required equipment?
Microphone or headset
Laptop or PC
Have you installed Zoom on your device?
View the University’s Zoom for students webpage for more information
If you need assistance with software or information on your computer, are you happy to share your screen in the Zoom meeting?
If not, please let the Librarian know and alternative arrangements can be made.
Success! You are all set.
A confirmation email with relevant appointment details was sent to . Check your spam folder if you don't see the email in your inbox.